Sunday, November 15, 2009

Medical Measures and Homeopathy For Back Pain


Arm yourself with Arnica. For people who have experienced back injuries, Arnica the most effective homeopathic medicines, says homeopath Dana Ullman. It suggests that oral and topical Arnica in pellet and ointment forms according to the instructions on the packaging. He may also recommend oral doses of Hypericum, Rhus tox, Bryonia, or, depending on the individual symptoms of a person. To find out which homeopathic medicines work best for you, consult aHomeopath.

Chinese Medicine

Zero at the source. Practitioners of Chinese medicine attribute back pain to a ofthree causes: overuse; penetration of wind, cold or humidity, or weakness of the Kidney organ network, which regulates the bone. With overuse, says Efrem Korngold, OMD, L.Ac., strengthening herbs such as astragalus. Distribute to appropriate wind, cold or moisture, he Chinese herbs such as Angelica pubescens, clematis root, gentian root, Chaenomeles fruit and cinnamon twig. ToSupport of the kidney, he beats the herbs dry ginger, Eucommia, Dipsacus and Drynaria.

Let's work to play with your fingers. So many studies have acupuncture proved to be an effective treatment for pain in my lower back that she has won the endorsement of both the World Health Organization and the National Institutes of Health. Of course, therapy, acupuncture should be administered by a professional. If you prefer a self-care approach, try acupressure. Contact calm, penetrating finger pressure to each of thethe following points for 3 minutes.

Kidney 7, located on your inner leg, two thumb-widths above the ankle bone

Bladder 40, located on the back of your knees, in the hollow of the knee crease

Bladder 60, located on the outside of the leg, in the hollow between the ankle bone and Achilles tendon

Medical measures

Only 1 percent of the people, the back pain require surgery, says Dr. Shipler. If your doctor recommends surgery, is not in a hurry. Get opinions from severalBack-care professionals before making your decision. Back surgery is traumatic and requires a longer recovery period. It works best for people who are clear symptoms of nerve damage in the first place numbness, tingling or weakness on one page of the body. There is not much to do for someone else.

Red flags

Ask your doctor if you have persistent pain or pain that is more in the course of a week or two bad experience, despite home care. You have a basic health care --Problem that your back's hurt.

The following also immediate medical attention.

Back pain, which is accompanied by fever, leg weakness, bladder or bowel problems, abdominal pain or unexplained weight loss

Back pain, which develops after abdominal surgery

Unrelenting back pain that disrupts sleep

sciatic nerve leg pain

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